Sardis Gems
What am i donating to?
Will it benefit Gods Kingdom?
Sardis Temple Baptist Church has multiple ministries in place that welcome the support of followers. With the help of our brothers and sisters, donating will benefit our breakfast ministry, financial literacy workshops, transportation of youth, educational and health programs, and social christian events etc. We are a passionate group of people, ecstatic for the growth of God! We operate with integrity and want our contributors to know that your contributions benefit the of service of God's people. There is nothing greater joy than giving to Gods house with a willing heart. We greatly appreciate all the love and support. May God continue to overflow his love back into your christian journey.
Ways you can donate
You are more than welcome to mail any donations to our home.
506-508 18th Ave, Newark, NJ 07103
If you prefer a virtual donation we have a site specifically for that! Check out Givelify where secure electronic donations can be made at anytime.
You can look for a finance committee member to give any personal donations at your leisure.