Sardis Gems
God's GEMStones
To my Community and Co-laborers in Christ!
Grace and peace to you from God our father.
As the Sardis family begins to journey into the third year under my leadership as pastor, it is necessary to publicly introduce myself as well as our church to the the Newark community and abroad. We are excited to announce to you that we are still here and more invigorated to do the work of the Lord by preaching and teaching the gospel while serving the community, as we stand on biblical principles.
We are excited to present to you our church website where you will find the most current information of our church family and opportunities to engage in activities that will be held throughout the year. This website has been a labor of love for the Sardis family and I am grateful to the Media Ministry for their persistence in getting the job done! Please use the tabs across the top of our home page as a resource of information as we will post upcoming activities that will occur this year. We pray that you will find this site helpful in navigating your needs and how to reach out for prayer. We pray that you find our efforts helpful in aiding your spiritual growth as well as developing your professional endeavors as you seek to live life as God intended.
Through prayer and unity we have named ourselves Gemstones which means: Getting Everyones Mind Straight To Obtain New-life & Eternal Salvation
The work of the Lord is not effortless but with the faithful commitment of our parishioners and the grace of God we have successfully completed construction on the first floor of our sanctuary, developed our media ministry, coordinated church travels to Virginia’s Hamptons Minister Conference which 18 young adults attended for Christian Education, fellowship and an awesome experience with God. Sardis Temple has served the community through Health Awareness classes, grant writing workshops, cultural awareness events, food donations, back to school community day, senior ministry, and clothing drives. We continue to serve free breakfast every Sunday morning and do community outreach through our evangelism team and much more.
Our desire is to teach God’s word through Bible Class, Missionary Out Reach, and integrating men and women back into society who are spiritually equip with a foundational belief in God thereby restoring the biblical principles of family values and healthy marriages in the sight of God.
Let’s push through this season fully embracing what God has in store for us as a unified body of believers. You won’t be disappointed.
Because of Jesus, we can!
Kevin Pendleton, Pastor
Kevin Pendleton
"As the Sheppard of this amazing flock I have been entrusted and called to ensure the safety and wellbeing of His people. As a pastor I am concerned about each persons spiritual growth and consistently encourage them as they journey through life as Christians. It is also my responsibility to cultivate a foundation understanding of biblical principles, while developing societal ethics, that inspire leaders to tap into hidden gifts that model the example of love and truth of Jesus which embodies the fruit of the Holy Spirit."
Dru Pendleton
"As God's servant it is humbling to assist my husband in ministry and serve people as God equips and directs me through the power of Holy Spirit. It is with great understanding that I acknowledge my purpose as merely to lead with the spirit of love, the conviction of truth, and the compassion for people. It is my prayer that ministry will directly respond to the needs our immediate community through biblical edification, health awareness, fellowship, financial stewardship, but primarily the glorification of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
Deacon Chairman
Terry, Lacewell
"As a Deacon it is my responsibility to manage the church property while communicating with my pastor about the on going needs of the church. The day to day matters of the church is my primary obligation and there is no limit to the work I am willing to do in order to ensure that God's house is properly prepared to serve and worship him. It is also a pleasure to work so closely with my pastor in areas such as communion, baptism, leading prayer, distributing important information to members, and church governance"
Jackson, Wingate
"As Deaconesses we are servants of Jesus Christ. Looking to help meet the churches physical and temporal needs. We are here to serve with the love and excellence of Jesus Christ."
Osborne, Perry
"Ministry is consistently checking your fruit while sowing seeds into the heart of man and having faith enough to know God will water them when the time is right."
Williams, Cannady, Tucker
"As a trustee, it is my function to responsibly collect donations and to operate with transparency and integrity to ensure all financials can be obtained by designated officers. This function is taken very seriously and with great pleasure because I know that it is apart of God's will for my life.'
Hospitality Committee
Cannady, Williams
"The Hospitality Ministry is charged with maintaining a welcoming, warm, and safe environment during worship experiences in the house of God and throughout the community."
Culinary Committee
"This ministry allows us to fellowship with the men and women in our community. We hope to create a relaxed environment for members and guests to enjoy delicious food while developing relationships with others in the body of Christ."
Qemari, Ishmil
"We are servants first and musicians second. God saw fit to bless us with the opportunity to become musicians of our beloved church, Sardis Temple. As musicians we evangelize and minister to people with worship through the gifts God has blessed us with."